
Resources for the week are: Art (Tues), P.E. (Wed) and Music (Thurs).
Tuesday is Make-Up Picture Day. (Write me a note if your child is going to be retaking their picture, I've only received two notes thus far...)
Wednesday we pack our "suitcases" for our trips around the world. :) Thursday we fly to Egypt and learn about Ramadan.  Then on Friday we fly to Israel and learn about Hanukkah. 

                            Below is what we will be focusing on in class:  
Reading: On Tuesday and Wednesday we are sequencing events in the story Mooseltoe. I will also be questioning events using the words before and after. (Ex. what events happened before Moose was hiding in the corner?) Plus we will be looking at all the Moose that come in! :) The Sight Words for this week are: more, all, look, because. We will continue practicing rhyming, blending, segmenting, phoneme deletion and beginning sounds of words. When choosing books to read with your child this week, ask questions like the one mentioned above: What event happened before _____? or What event happened after ______? Also, ask your child what country we flew to and what they learned about the country and the holiday they celebrate. :)

Writing: We are going back to Narrative Writing (I am very excited!! And I bet a lot of you parents are too. haha) We are starting out simple by story mapping topics (we will use the bubble map). The topic we will focus on this week is Christmas. We will branch out the topic into four areas. The areas could include: food, toys, decorations, clothing, etc. We will also be using our sounds to label everything on the story map.
At home you will want to give your child a topic and ask them the different ways to branch out from the topic. Topics could include: Zoo, The Beach, Disney World, etc. Below is a quick example I did for Chuck E Cheese.

Science/Social Studies: We are ahead of schedule. :) Because of the short week and three resources, we will be reviewing movements and making Interactive Journal entries.
Math: We are continuing the chapter on Decomposing Numbers. The worksheets we will be completing in class have us writing the equations for numbers 4-10. Because of all the word we did before Thanksgiving matching the equations to the pictures... I think this will be a simple task. :)
At home, give your child a number and ask the different ways they could make the number. Focus on using numbers 4-10.

We are going to start decomposing numbers in this format during Calendar Time.

***Homework is changing! Be on the look out Wednesday.***

Yesterday was a fun day! Our Room Mom, Mrs. Conner came in and did two crafts with the class. The first one was a cute little turkey and the second one was a Thanksgiving Wreath. They turned out super cute!! I especially loved filling out the "Thankful Leaves" with the students... Most were thankful for their families, toys and... turkey. haha

Enjoy the pictures and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

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Stone Soup today was a great success!!

My little brother came to our classroom today,  he helped open the and drain all the cans with the students. Plus he set a timer on his phone for the kids to stir the soup. (We wanted everyone to get at least one turn. ) When it was time to eat, most of the class ate their soup... but everyone DEVOURED the rolls!! We had 11 people enjoy the soup and five say that it tasted... "Ewwwww!" haha I was impressed. :)

Here is a slideshow of the class with the Stone Soup Pots they made and the soup that they ate. :)
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Here are the pictures from Character T-Shirt Day. We even have a picture of our Volunteer Mrs. Young in her shirt. :) 

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The next two days will go by very fast and both will be filled with Thanksgiving FUN! We have P.E. Monday and Music on Tuesday. :)

We will read the book One Little, Two Little Three Little Pilgrim and watch the youtube video One Little, Two Little Three Little Indians. We will make the little Indian boys so that we can act out the song. We will read three different versions of the book Stone Soup and write a mini-book for making it. We will review movements and speed in science and take our Science Test.
Then we will make Thanksgiving crafts. :) 

Also, Progress Reports are going home. Send it back signed Tuesday and your child receives an ice pop. :) Have a great Thanksgiving Break and I'll see you all back on Tuesday, December 3rd.

Here is the ten little Indians video...              

The class is ready for Thanksgiving!
We made the CUTEST Turkey Headbands and wore them to lunch today. Everyone we passed in the hallway made the biggest smiles when they saw us. :) Enjoy looking at the pictures of our Turkey Family and pictures of a few of the students eating lunch with their parents (and an Aunt NeNe). At the end is the writing we did as a class. :)

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Please follow these directions when completing the Class Project with your child. We will be reading this book in Class when we return from Thanksgiving Break.

First~ color/paint the moose (head and antlers, the mustache is already done for you)
Next~ cut out the moose head and attach the mustache on the face
Then~ decorate the antlers and the mustache
          *Decorate the antlers and the mustache with pictures of things you
          will be doing over Winter Vacation. You can use pictures from
          photographs, magazines, clip art or even make your own! Be inventive
          and have fun with your child. We do request NO FOOD Products!  We
          don’t want any unwanted visitors…
Finally~ send it to school.

This project will be due the week of December 2nd. They will be shared with the class as they are received and hung in the hallway to share with everyone at Chimney Lakes!

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I am very excited to see what you and your child come up with!! And... just in case you need some inspiration or motivation. Here is a link to the Class Blog I had last year with Mrs. Hope. You can see pictures of the Mooseltoe's the kids made. They were adorable!! :)

Your child will be bringing home a flyer giving you a little information about the "flying" we will be doing in December for Holiday's Around the World. The daily flight information will be written on the December Calendar.  To make the trip a success, every student is asked to send in one item by December 4. These items are for our daily treats and to make our souvenirs.  If you would like to send in additional items, please let me know. :)

Here is our Flight Itinerary for
 Chimney Lakes Airways!
We fly Monday through Friday, from December 5 to December 17
Take off is daily at 9:20
Landing is at 10:00
December 4: Pack our suitcases!! (the paper bag kind, not real ones )
December 5: EGYPT
December 6: ISRAEL
December 9: CHINA
December 10: back packing around the Good 'ol U.S.A.
December 11: MEXICO
**Due to rough weather (Early Release Lunch Time)
Take off is at 10:15 and the flight returns at 11:00**
December 12: Field Trip to the JCA
 December 13: NETHERLANDS and ITALY (because of the field trip we will fly out twice today)
December 16: INDIA
December 17: GERMANY
December 18: Suitcases and souvenirs will be brought home. 

 It's sure to be the best trip ever!! 

*This learning will take place during our Reading Block Time.  During this time period we will sway away from the Reading Curriculum and focus on promoting diversity and acceptance of other cultures. The Social Studies Standards we will address are: places and regions, the world in spatial terms and historical knowledge. 

We are hiring two new Teachers for Art and Music Resource... so I'm not completely sure if this is our Resource schedule for the week. Please bare with me if and when there are changes:  Music (Mon), Art (Tues) and Media (Wed). Wednesday is an Early Release Day, so Lunch will be at 9:40 that day. 
Thursday is Thankgiving Lunch for Kindergarten and Third Grade Students. Please send in a note if you will be attending. I need to give a Parent Count to the Cafeteria. They want to make sure there is enough food and chairs for everyone. :) 
Friday is Character T-Shirt Day or depending on the weather, Character Sweater/ Jacket Day! The items for Stone Soup are due. We will be making the Soup on Monday November 25!
Also, Mason will be joining the Six Year Old Club!!   :)

                            Below is what we will be focusing on in class:  
Reading: We will be reviewing characters, settings and sequencing events, plus a little compare and contrast on Friday. :) Our books are: There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves and There Was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow. Both books are written by the Author Lucille Colandro and pictures are drawn by the Illustrator Jared Lee. The Sight Words for this week are: down, he, she, at. We will continue practicing rhyming, blending, segmenting, phoneme deletion and beginning sounds of words. When choosing books to read with your child this week, find books that you can compare and contrast the characters/ events or books. Or books that you have read before and your child can sequence the events of the story.

I had a bit of fun on Youtube this weekend. I found the readings for both of our books.... plus I went through my Video watching history and saw two old videos. One is on rhyming and the other is on Sight Words. Enjoy all the videos!

Writing: We will continue Informational/ Procedural. We will make Handprint Turkeys by tracing our hands and Paper Snowflakes. We will only be discussing the steps as a class. Students will work with a partner on writing the steps for one or both of the projects.
At home you will want to focus on the steps for a topic. (Some easy topics are: making the bed, getting dressed.) Write the steps with your child, have them get a sheet of paper and you get one too. If you make it fun... it doesn't seem as hard. :)

Science/Social Studies: We are jumping into Chapter 4 with a discussion on the different types of movement, different speeds and the difference between push and pull! I have a bag of toys to illustrate each movement: spinning, forward, backward, side to side, up and down.  (Be prepared for your child to come home and say they were playing during Science. haha They are going to love the remote control Shark!! It glows in the dark and grabs the classes attention better than I ever can. ) On Friday we will be discussing the movement of sound and making sound drums out of cups.  At home discuss the different ways objects can move and have your child use their toys to illustrate the movements. On Friday ask your child to show you their sound drum and tell you how it was made. :)
Math: We are beginning the chapter on Decomposing Numbers (this concept will not be tested as a Progress Report Grade... it is much too new to be assessed fairly right now). The worksheets we will be completing in class have the students coloring pictures two different colors to show the different groups you can make to equal a number. We will be "ramping" up the worksheets by matching the equation to each picture line as a class. I will be sending home a sheet of equations for you to cut apart and match to the picture line with your child.
At home, work with your child on matching the equations to each picture line. Also, ask your child what are the different ways to make number _______? Our worksheets focus on numbers 4-10.

****No Homework will be sent home this week. A family project will be sent home instead. :) The directions for the project will be attached to the cutout and a video for the book will be posted on the blog. The project will be due the week of December 2nd.****


Reading Gingerbread books was a lot of fun this week. The class loved reading/ listening to The Gingerbread Man and singing along, "Run run as fast as you can. You can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread Man." :) The girls LOVED The Gingerbread Girl!! And everyone loved singing along with her song, "Run run with a leap and a twirl. You can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread Girl." But the book that came out as the favorite... The Gingerbread Pirates!! (Even Ms. Godbold agreed it was the coolest book ever!!) Ask your child about the books, have them sequence the events for you. :)

All week we reviewed what compare and contrasted meant. The class did great remembering that COMPARE was to tell how they were the same and CONTRAST was to tell how they were different. On Friday we chose to books of the books to compare and contrast and I introduced the class to the Venn Diagram. Here is a picture of the comparison of the two books: The Gingerbread Girl and The Gingerbread Pirates . :)