We are hiring two new Teachers for Art and Music Resource... so I'm not completely sure if this is our Resource schedule for the week. Please bare with me if and when there are changes: Music (Mon), Art (Tues) and Media (Wed). Wednesday is an Early Release Day, so Lunch will be at 9:40 that day.
Thursday is Thankgiving Lunch for Kindergarten and Third Grade Students. Please send in a note if you will be attending. I need to give a Parent Count to the Cafeteria. They want to make sure there is enough food and chairs for everyone. :)
Friday is Character T-Shirt
Day or depending on the weather, Character Sweater/ Jacket Day! The items for Stone Soup are due. We will be making the Soup on Monday November 25!
Also, Mason will be joining the Six Year Old Club!! :)
Below is what we will be focusing on in class:
We will be reviewing characters, settings and sequencing events, plus a little compare and contrast on Friday. :) Our books are:
There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves and
There Was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow. Both books are written by the Author Lucille Colandro and pictures are drawn by the Illustrator Jared Lee. The Sight Words for this week are:
down, he, she, at.
We will continue practicing rhyming,
blending, segmenting, phoneme deletion and beginning sounds of words. When
choosing books to read with your child this week, find books that you can compare and contrast the characters/ events or books. Or books that you have read before and your child can sequence the events of the story.
I had a bit of fun on Youtube this weekend. I found the readings for both of our books.... plus I went through my Video watching history and saw two old videos. One is on rhyming and the other is on Sight Words. Enjoy all the videos!
We will continue Informational/ Procedural. We will make Handprint Turkeys by tracing our hands and Paper Snowflakes. We will only be discussing the steps as a class. Students will work with a partner on writing the steps for one or both of the projects.
home you will want to focus on the steps for a topic. (Some easy topics
are: making the bed, getting dressed.) Write the steps with your child, have them get a sheet of paper and you get one too. If you make it fun... it doesn't seem as hard. :)
Science/Social Studies:
We are jumping into Chapter 4 with a discussion on the different types of movement, different speeds and the difference between push and pull! I have a bag of toys to illustrate each movement: spinning, forward, backward, side to side, up and down. (Be prepared for your child to come home and say they were playing during Science. haha They are going to love the remote control Shark!! It glows in the dark and grabs the classes attention better than I ever can. ) On Friday we will be discussing the movement of sound and making sound drums out of cups. At home discuss the different ways objects can move and have your child use their toys to illustrate the movements. On Friday ask your child to show you their sound drum and tell you how it was made. :)
Math: We are beginning the chapter on Decomposing Numbers (this concept will not be tested as a Progress Report Grade... it is much too new to be assessed fairly right now). The worksheets we will be completing in class have the students coloring pictures two different colors to show the different groups you can make to equal a number. We will be "ramping" up the worksheets by matching the equation to each picture line as a class. I will be sending home a sheet of equations for you to cut apart and match to the picture line with your child.
home, work with your child on matching the equations to each picture line. Also, ask your child what are the different ways to make number _______? Our worksheets focus on numbers 4-10.
****No Homework will be sent home this week. A family project will be sent home instead. :) The directions for the project will be attached to the cutout and a video for the book will be posted on the blog. The project will be due the week of December 2nd.****