It's time to help support our Safety Patrol's!

Our school will be selling Cookie Dough and other baked goods from 1st Place Fundraising. Every student received the flyer book, an order form and prize sheets yesterday in their folder. :) The class isn't all that excited about helping out the Patrols... they were MORE excited about the little Penguin prizes they can earn! The students earn a prize just for selling two items!!
(The sheet is pictured below for you to see how the students earn penguins for their lanyard. You submit the paper squares as that amount of items are sold. )
The fundraiser runs from January 10 until January 23.
I can't wait to see the Patrol Sponsors dress up like Penguins for the day. The Sponsors are Ms. Durant and Mrs. Stoker. (Mrs. Stoker's son, Gavin, is in our class and all the students know her. So I know they would LOVE to see her in the Penguin Costume!! ) I will be helping Mrs. Stoker write receipts, so I will keep you posted on the School's progress of meeting the 1000 item goal. :) Also, I'll be sure to post a picture of Ms. Durant and Mrs. Stoker in the penguin costumes WHEN it happens. :)
If you have any questions, please send me an email.