Thank you to all the parents who took time out of their busy schedules and came to Meet the Teacher. It meant a lot to me to see so many of you there!! I know you received a ton of information and some of it may have seemed confusing... please let me know if you have any questions. I want this to be a terrific year and that can only be done with constant communication. :)
I still have a ton of little things to do to be ready for Monday... but I took a break and made two slideshows. The first one is a quick tour of our Dr. Seuss Classroom. The second one shows your child's Name tag chair. The big kid Kindergarteners!! :) Hope you enjoy both of the slideshows.
Have a GREAT weekend and see you all Monday morning! Ooh don't forget PTA will be hosting a BooHoo Breakfast on Monday, it
will be starting at 8:30 in the Teachers Lounge by the Cafeteria. Make sure to stop by!