Resources for the
week are: Music (Mon), Art (Tues), P.E. (Wed) and Media (Thurs).
Fun Friday is SLIPPERS DAY!!
(Please make sure the slippers inside of their backpacks. We will only be
wearing them inside of the classroom. Thank you.)
Fun Friday is SLIPPERS DAY!!
(Please make sure the slippers inside of their backpacks. We will only be
wearing them inside of the classroom. Thank you.)
Below is what we will be focusing on in class:
Reading: We will be doing a close reading on the book Heat Wave by Helen Ketteman. We will make predictions about the book, make connections with the book, discuss the vocabulary and analogies the Author used to inform us of the events happening. Finally on Friday we will sequence the events of the story for a Retelling Grade. :) (I tried to find a Youtube Video that would showcase the book or Kansas and the extreme temperatures... but I was not successful. So the pictures will have to do.) We will continue practicing rhyming, segmenting, phoneme deletion/ substitution and beginning sounds of words. Our Word Family is the -ot family and our new Sight Words are some, was, not, has.
When choosing books to read with your child this week, try out close reading. Read half the story and make a prediction of what will happen next. The next time read the whole book and discuss connections they had with it. Then pick a page and discuss the unknown words and use the text to figure out the Author's Message. Finally, read the whole book again and then discuss the events that happened and retell the story in order. :)
Writing:Response to Literature- We are continuing our Author Study on Eric Carle. The two books we will be discussing this week are Does A Kangaroo Have A Mother Too? and From Head to Toe. The class is working very hard on stretching their words and writing the sounds they hear. I've been really proud! Every day gets better than the day before. :)
At home read your child a book, it may be best to read the same book two nights in a row and then have them write about the characters, the setting, what they liked, did not like, etc.
(You will notice every time a page is turned an animal roar is produced... I'm not sure why. haha
But this was the best video I found.)
Science/Social Studies: We are continuing to discuss Gravity. However we will be discussing what it would be like to live without gravity helping us... Here are three video's I chose off of Youtube from the International Space Station. (They are too funny!! Washing the hair is my favorite.)
After watching the video's, discuss with your child what else might be difficult to do without gravity.
Math: We are continuing the Topic on Measurement. This week we will be completing worksheets from the Curriculum. Our papers will deal with length and height. The vocabulary used will be: long, short, as long as, tall & as tall as. We will also be looking at 4 different lengths of string and we will need to put them in order from the shortest to the tallest.
At home review all the vocabulary with your child. Focus on ordering the length of four items. Practice using real items and then transition to drawing the lines on a paper and ordering that way. (This is how it will be done on the test.)
January 27, 2014 at 6:28 AM
It's funny how in first we are reteaching many of the same things. Our Author Study this week is Mem Fox. and we are doing measurement in math. :)