We are definitely getting near the End of Year... :( Testing goes into full swing on Monday with CGA Testing for Reading and Math. This testing is all done 1-1, because of this Ms.Godbold will be helping to facilitate my review lessons. We need to keep the voice level as quiet as possible and movement to a minimum, so the students will be completing worksheets with a buddy before going to their Reading Stations and Reading/Math Centers.
Resources for the week are: Monday-P.E., Tuesday- MUSIC w/Broach, Wednesday-MUSIC w/ Taft and Friday- MUSIC w/ Broach again. :)
Wednesday is an Early Release Day. Our Lunch is at 9:40.
Friday is Patriotic Day.
I can't wait to see all the red, white and blue!!
Resources for the week are: Monday-P.E., Tuesday- MUSIC w/Broach, Wednesday-MUSIC w/ Taft and Friday- MUSIC w/ Broach again. :)
Wednesday is an Early Release Day. Our Lunch is at 9:40.
Friday is Patriotic Day.
I can't wait to see all the red, white and blue!!
Below is what we will be focusing on in class:
We will be reading books from the Phonics Tales Series about the short vowel sounds. The titles are: That Cat Max, The Best Nest, The Little Pink Pig, Todd's Odd Day and Lucky Duck. We will be reviewing characters, settings and why the Illustrator chose the particular pictures they did for the book. After the reading we will discuss the short vowel words that were in the book. Our
Word Family is
the -ag
family, our blend is fl- and we will review all of the Sight Word learned through out the year. :) Here is a link to the fl- blend power point I made. :) 
Here are the covers from two of the books. :)
(It is a great series! Plus they have other series too: Beginning Letter Sounds, Blends and Digraphs, Vowel Blends. I own a lot of books from them... haha)
At home, read your child a book and review the characters and setting. Then ask them why they think the Illustrator chose the pictures they did for the book. After that discuss the meaning of words used in the story. Ex. We read a book in class where the main character felt puzzled. The students had a little trouble at first, but then they figured out it meant he was confused. :)
Writing: We are continuing our Kindergarten Memory Books. We haven't had much time to go back and complete the sheets... so this week we will be doing just that! :) The students will be making their pages perfect and making their pictures beautiful!
At home, please remind your child even to apply all the writing skills they have learned through out the year: spaces, capitalization, punctuation, using their sounds/ blends and sight words!
At home, discuss the movements with your child and then ask them if a ______ can be pushed or pulled. Be prepared for your child to say both and when that happens ask them to explain. Ex. The chair... they will need to explain and possibly model why they are saying both movements are acceptable.
Math: We are going back to review vocabulary "Greater Than" and "Less Than." I found Topic 4 still on the shelf and this is a great time to break it out. :) Not only does it review the vocabulary it also asks them to make groups that have one more or one less, than the group they are given. (So secretly we are reviewing addition and subtraction too... but I'm not going to mention that to the students. haha)
At home, review the worksheets with your child and discuss the vocabulary. Have your child bring out a toy that they have lots of (barbies, race cars, ninja turtles, etc) and use the toys to make groups. Then ask your child how many there are, after that ask them, "Without recounting, how many would there be if I added one more?" Next do this with one less and if it is easy... increase the difficulty by saying 2 more or even 3 more. :)
**While searching for songs I could you to make our lessons more inviting... I came across this video for the song Tooty Ta. We have danced to this song many times on Fun Friday's. haha I thought you would enjoy watching it with your child and maybe acting it out too. No worries if you have trouble, your child can help you out. :) The video is a little over 3 minutes, but the song ends at 2:30. Enjoy!