
I signed up for a Teacher Class at the end of last school year. At the time, it almost seemed a little exciting to go... (Crazy, I know!) but now I'm dreading it!! :( Waking up early, getting dressed in "professional" attire and sitting in class listening to someone lecture.... YUCK! And the worse thing of all is I don't know anyone from my School that has signed up to attend the class this week. So I'll be all alone.  Stinkers! haha

Thankfully the class gets out at 3:00, so I'll be heading in to school each day to start CLEANING and DECORATING!!! Dr. Seuss here I come! I have high hopes for decorating tomorrow. This is my plan: get the classroom library all situated, set up the Math area and unload & set up the student computers.I figure that'll take me the full 2.5 hours I'm allotted. (School closes at 6:00 and they want me out before that time. If I finish the these things I'm setting out to do... I'll post a few pictures. :)

Hmmmm  I'm not sure what areas I should work on, on Tuesday. I'm thnking I should leave myself open.... just in case Monday's work doesn't get done. When it comes to setting up and decorating, I have FIRST CLASS A.D.D. haha I'm sure it affects most teachers, but for me.. WOW! The process is frightening. All my mind wants to do is hang things from the ceiling and make pretty posters. haha

Anyway, I'll update everyone on my progress tomorrow! Bye!!


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