
مرحبا من مصر

That says, “Hello from Egypt” In Arabic (Or at least Google Translator told me it says. :) I’m crossing my fingers it’s correct!)

Click on ARABIC to hear the words and stick around to enter in other words. We were able to listen to it in class today. The class loved listening to it say all sorts of words and phrases in Arabic! Hello, Bye, Bathroom, Happy Birthday and of course... everyone wanted to hear their name said with an accent. :)

A few of the facts we discussed about Egypt:
Capital: Cairo
Continent: Africa
Celebration: Ramadan! We discussed the discipline people show during fasting and the different Animal Gods.            
Yummy Foods: bread, fish, stuffed grape leaves and soup  
Time: 7 hours ahead of us  (We left school at 9:20 our time and it was already 4:20 over there!)
Landforms: pyramids, deserts, mountains, plains and the Nile River!                   
Clothing: Some wear long flowing robes called Jellabiya (pronounced Gellabiya) (similar to dresses). Others wear clothes similar to ours.

While we were flying we had a snack of pretzels and M&M's. Plus we watched a movie of all the things we might see in Egypt. 
This is the link to the Power Point we watched: Slideshow of Egypt
(the last few pictures are stretched and blurry. :( Very sorry!! Thankfully when the class watched it, everything looked normal. ) 

Slideshow of us on the plane and getting pictures taken with our Boarding Passes!!
                              Click to play this Smilebox slideshow

While in Egypt, we created a souvenir of a crescent moon and star. To make it sparkle... we added gold glitter :) I don't want to take pictures of all of them... but I will give you a sneak peak at one!

We had a little trouble "packing up" and listening to the calls of "Last Call for Flight #1205 back to Jacksonville Florida" but... because we were the only people on the flight, they delayed the plane and we all made it back to school safely. :) While we flew we watched a music video. The class loved it!! Everyone was dancing in their seats and moving their arms all over.  They commented on the clothes and landforms in the video too. :) It was adorable!!
(I feel like I need to put in a little disclaimer... I do not speak Arabic, so unfortunately I don't know the words in the video and their meaning. But I viewed quite a few videos for Egyptian Music and this had better reviews and clearer picture quality.)

As if the day couldn't get any better... when we arrived back at school. We had dried fruit waiting for us. :) A few of the students were scared to eat the banana chips, but the dried berries... WOW I think everyone ate a few of them.  Dried Cranberries, Blueberries and Cherries were a huge hit. :)

Hope everyone's day was as much FUN as ours!! 
Check back tomorrow to see more of our travels! :)


  1. Bailey had so much fun today. It was all she could talk about. Thanks for planning all this for them. :)

  1. I'm glad she enjoyed it. :)
    I've enjoyed planning the trips with a few other teachers. We have just as much fun as the kids!! haha

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