
New Daily Schedules and the September Calendar will be sent home on Tuesday. Our Resource Time will be from 11:20 to 12:05. This week the class will go to P.E. on Tuesday and to Media on Friday.  Kindergarten students do not take their Media books home. They are kept at school for the whole class to enjoy.

Below is what we will be focusing on this week:
Reading: We will continue to discuss Characters and Setting. We will be learning how illustrations help support the Author's words and allow us to understand the events in the story. We will continue to discuss the letters of the alphabet (names and sounds) and color words. We will discussing the following Sight Words: the, of, a and, to. Students will be practicing Independent Reading and asked to find color words and Sight Words in their books. When reading books at home to your child, please ask them these questions: "Who are the characters in the book? Where does the book take place? How did the illustration help support the author's words? **I will not send home the Sight Word Money for the new sight words until the end of the week.**
Writing: We will continue to focus our thoughts into one idea and write a story about it. We will be discussing "take a risk" and adding a setting to our pictures. (Taking a risk means not drawing the same picture every day. Trying a new idea, even if the idea is a difficult one. Ex. drawing a roller coaster, dinosaur, the beach.) Students will be given Writer's Folder's to hold their stories at school. This will allow students to work on writing stories at their own pace. When drawing pictures with your child at home, continue to stress details are important when drawing people and when drawing settings.  When the drawing is completed, have your child tell you a story about the picture. **Please have your child draw with a regular pencil (we call them eraser pencils in class) and add color details with crayons or colored pencils. I do not want students drawing with crayons, because they are unable to fix their mistakes.**
Science: We will continue to study the five senses. This week we are focusing on the sense of hearing and will brush on the sense of taste. (Taste will be discussed more in depth next week.) Students will listen to sounds and explain who/what the sound belongs to. (I'm hoping to record these and post the video's on the blog.  I LOVED the video's from last weeks Science lessons. Hope you all did too! :) Have your child listen to different sounds and explain how they know who/what the sound belongs to. **This website, Sound Snap, offers a variety of sounds for to use with your child.**
Here are a few video's that we will be watching in class to get us excited. :)

Math: We will continue to practice number formation (look back at last week's post if you need the number writing rhymes). We are counting daily with Calendar and discussing the days of the week in terms of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Students will practice recognizing numbers 0-9 and making a group to match. Groups may be drawn or shown with Math Tools.  We will learn how to play the game Grab and Count.

Although it will be a short week... we have a lot to learn! :)


  1. We did three pages of Yy's this weekend. And I think she finally has the "Lazy y" :)

  1. Wonderful! I can;t wait to see them. :)

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