for this week are: Art (Mon), P.E. (Tues) and Art (Thurs). Thursday we will be participating in Read for the Record. The book this year is Otis by Loren Long. Here is a link to better understand the program and here is a Youtube video of the book. :) Friday we are having Gloves Day! I can't wait to see the gloves and mittens the kids wear. I'll be showing off my pom pom gloves from a former student. :) Also, Friday is Haidley's Birthday. She's joining the 6 year old club!
Below is what we will be focusing on in class:
When choosing books to read with your child this week, choose books where the characters have a problem and by the end of the story there is a solution. After reading the book, ask them what the problem was and how the character/s solved the problem. :)
Here is a video for the book I Went Walking.
Writing: We will continue working on "Turtle Talking" and making our Alphabet Books. Because of Resource, we were not able to work on three letters a day... I have decided to complete two letter pages a day. I want the students to produce quality work, so we will take extra time completing the alphabet books. This week we will work on letter pages E-N.
When drawing pictures with your child at home, continue to stress details are important when drawing people and when drawing settings. Continue to have them work on drawing their picture, take a break for a few days and then come back to it. When you come back to the work, help your child write a sentence that matches their picture. Helping them with writing is by "turtle talking" the words with them. I want the students to write the sounds they hear. An example of this is below:
Parent: " Beautiful picture!! Tell me a sentence that will match your picture."
Student: "My family walks to the Circus."
P: "Great sentence. Let's stretch the words and write them down."
*Some students will stretch the words with me, other are in the listening stage and wait for
me to make the sound. At this time both are okay. :)
P: "/m/
S: "m."
P: "That's it! Write letter m. (Pause for your child to write the letter.) I need to start stretching
at the beginning of the word. /m/ / i/."
S: "i."
P: "That's right! The letter said it's name. Write letter i."
** Until we learn the word as a Sight Word, I do not expect students to write the word the
adult way. Mi is acceptable right now for my.
Science: We will be discussing the different tools a Scientist uses: goggles, gloves, a hand lens, a balance and a thermometer. We will focus on hand lenses (magnifying glass) and how they allow you to see all the details of an item without having to bring the item all the way up close to your eye. (I'm crossing my fingers I can borrow a class set from the school Media Center :) We will use them to see the details on coins, leaves, their skin and so much more!
Ask your child what Scientist tools we are discussing in class and if possible get your hand on one to use with your child. Discuss the benefits the tools give to the Scientist.
Math: We will review how to write numbers 6-10 and use our counting strategies for solving questions. We will be taking our first Math Test on Wednesday. The test will be on numbers 6-10 and is seven questions. Thursday we will learn about combining groups with the help of "Gus the Plus" and Friday we will learn about taking away with "Linus the Minus.' This is just the beginning of Addition and Subtraction. :) We will be learning a lot more about the process of each in the future. :)
At home read each poem to your child and discuss what type of boys Gus and Linus are. Then review all of the bolded words, these are the words that will help your child figure out which math computation they need to do when listening to a story problem.

September 30, 2013 at 6:26 AM
I have never seen those cute. :)