
Resources for this week are: Music(Mon), Art (Tues) and P.E. (Wed). Wednesday is an Early Release Day. (If you plan on surprising your child at lunch time. Please be aware that lunch is at 9:40.)  Friday we are having Hat Day! The hat needs to be in your child's backpack. We are only able to wear them in the classroom and outside at Recess.  :)

Below is what we will be focusing on this week:
Reading: We will continue to discuss Characters and Setting. Wednesday the children will be assessed on this skill by completing a cut and glue activity. (Gluing the pictures under the correct heading: Characters or Setting.  We will also continue to see how illustrations help support the Author's words and allow us to understand the events in the story. We will read three different Walter the Farting Dog books and watch a Youtube video on a different Walter book. (The video is below.) We will continue to review the letters of the alphabet (names and sounds). We will  review last week's sight words on the Word Wall and we will discuss the following Sight Words: I, it, one, two. Students will be practicing Partner Reading and Big Book Reading. They will be asked to find color words and Sight Words in their books. When reading books at home to your child, please ask them these questions: "How did the illustration help support the author's words? What sight words can you find in the text?" **I will not send home the Sight Word Money for the new sight words until the end of the week. Also, I noticed that last weeks words had the word in. You may practice that word with your child, but that word will not be assessed this quarter. **

Writing: We will continue to focus our thoughts into one idea and write a story about it. We will be reviewing "take a risk" and adding settings to our pictures. We will also review that during writing time the students have free movement (they do not need to do finger signals when working at the tables) and what they should do if they need help (ask a few neighbors at their table, before they ask the teacher). We will discuss that ALL students are Authors and Illustrators! They just need to draw and write about things that they know. :) Plus they need to remember that they can learn from their neighbors and from Share Time. When drawing pictures with your child at home, continue to stress details are important when drawing people and when drawing settings.  When the drawing is completed, have your child tell you a story about the picture. If they begin telling you a "This is" story. (Ex. "This is the beach. This is me. This is my castle. This is the sky.") Ask them if Authors write stories that way and then tell them a story about their picture. Once you are done, have your child tell you a story about their picture.  **Please remember to have your child draw with a regular pencil (we call them eraser pencils in class) and add color details with crayons or colored pencils. I do not want students drawing with crayons, because they are unable to fix their mistakes.**

Science: We will continue to study the five senses. This week we will continue to focus on the sense of taste. We will discuss foods that taste salty, sweet, bitter and spicy. We will taste test a few different treats and describe them.  (I can't wait to see the cute faces the kids make!) We will also use the five senses to describe different substances when they look similar. The substances will be flour, sugar, salt and white cake mix.
Here are a few video's that we will be watching in class to get us excited. :)

Math: We will continue to work on number sense. We are working on 1-1 when we count objects and draw them. We will also be discussing, "Without recounting... If I add one more,  how many objects do we have now?" Every day students will complete a number writing and counting math sheet. **Because of Wednesday's early dismissal time, we will not be having a Math lesson that day.**


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