Resources for the
week are: Art (Mon), P.E. (Tues), Music (Wed) and Music (Fri).
Thursday is our dental health presentation from the Offices of Weaver & Stratton.
Friday is Sunglasses Day. :)
Below is what we will be focusing on in class:
We will be reading the book Something Beautiful by Sharon Dennis Wyeth. We will be discussing the "beautiful" things and whether or not we too can see the beautiful in the word around us. We will also be making a class book titled, The Beautiful Things at Chimney Lakes.We will continue practicing rhyming, segmenting words for
sounds and for syllables, phoneme deletion/
substitution and ending sounds of words. (They will each be reviewed a few times a week instead of doing them all daily.) We will be doing a lot of word building with letters! The students will be put into pairs to build words and change parts of the word~ the beginning letter, the ending letter and sometimes the medial vowel. Our Word Family is the -ip
family and our new Sight Words are little, if, called, her.
To get excited about our dental health presentation on Thursday, we will be reading the book Tooth Trouble by Jane Clarke and discussing the things we do to keep our teeth healthy.
choosing books to read at home this week, find books where the main character always sees the good in the world! Two examples of books are Mean Jean the Recess Queen and The Giving Tree. Even though both of the books have other emotions going on in them... both manage to see the good. In Mean Jean the Recess Queen a new girl comes to school and she sees past the meanness of Jean. In The Giving Tree the tree sees that he is able to help the boy in every stage of his life, even when he is only a stump. After your read your book review the characters, setting and then discuss what good things were seen in the book and ask your child if they agree or disagree with the characters opinion.To get excited about our dental health presentation on Thursday, we will be reading the book Tooth Trouble by Jane Clarke and discussing the things we do to keep our teeth healthy.
Writing: We are beginning Report Writing. This week we will be writing a class report about Ms. Godbold, we will be doing Interactive Writing. (The marker will be in my hand and the students hands.) We will listen to her discuss her family, things she likes to eat, things she likes to do, etc. On Monday we will complete a graphic organizer to organize our thoughts. Then the remainder of the week will be spend writing about the facts she shared with us.
Although our writing genre has changed... we are continuing to focus on stretching words for sounds, punctuation at the end of the sentences and only using uppercase letters when necessary.
At home have your child pick a family member to write a report about. Have them write about the way they look, the things they like to eat, the things they like to do, etc. You may also want to use a graphic organizer to organize all their thoughts.

Science/Social Studies:We will spend time reviewing the items we see in the Day Time sky and Night Time sky. We will watch our video on the different phases of the moon. Then we will take two days to complete our Science Test. :)
At home, review what items that we can see in the daytime and nighttime sky.
Math: We will spend another week discussing 2D and 3D shapes: hexagon, trapeziod, rhombus (remind your child in class we have a fat one and skinny one), cone, cylinder and sphere. We will use pattern block to make pictures with the 2D shapes and find real world objects in the classroom for the 3D shapes. Plus we complete worksheets on both.
At home review 2D shapes with your child and then focus on 3D shapes and having them find real world objects for each 3D shape mentioned above. It may also help to go back and view the Math Video's in last weeks learning post.